Three Questions Coaches and Consultants Hate...


We all know, you're SUPPOSED to have this figured out by now - you’ve been doing this for years

but there's just something that takes you by surprise EACH time anyone asks you to introduce yourself:

"So... What do you do? … Who are you? … What makes you unique?"

Palms clammy, armpits sweaty - you knew this was coming...

Heck, you GAVE them your bio - What are they asking you again for??

Is this you?

Every time you come to a

  • group call?

  • workshop intro?

  • networking event?

  • presentation?

  • client pitch meeting?

  • podcast interview?

If so, I strongly recommend you keep reading.

It’s supposed to be the most natural, easiest part of our marketing. Talk about ourselves!

WHO BETTER than to describe and explain how much we love what we do and how great we are - than us??

Well, that’s part of the problem… tunnel vision.

We don’t often step outside of our day to day and think outside of the box -

how to make the MOST IMPACT in the shortest amount of time that we have someone’s attention. (Because trust me, it’s getting shorter and shorter)

But these are, in fact, the three most important questions you will be asked in your business.

I'm going to help you out by GIVING you the secret;

THE WAY OUR CLIENTS answer these questions instead;

See, professionals that have gone the thought leadership process and have built their brand image properly,

have learned that the art of positioning themselves as an expert requires being one step ahead, going one level deeper than the WHO and WHAT.

They have clear, concise understanding of what their audience REALLY, ACTUALLY wants to hear when they are asked these simple but important qualifying questions!

and maybe they’ve learned a tiny trick or two (from my media training days) called Politicians Tactic - more on that in another blog perhaps ;)

So, here they are:



When you are asked,

1. What do you do?

The question you should answer is:

How does this give people the outcome they need?

When you are asked,

2. What's great about you/why do you love your work?

The question you should answer is:

Why are you ideally suited for this?

When you are asked,

3. How are you different/makes you unique?

The question you should answer is:

What has the last year taught you about what your customer needs?

Take your time - try it - because I GUARANTEE that your

  • interviews

  • introductions

  • bios

  • RFPs

  • Speeches

  • live broadcasts

and ANYWHERE else you are putting your expertise ON DISPLAY are going to be

10x more effective by thinking this way!

I hope that you will use this with your next marketing team meeting,

as a branding exercise,

for your next networking event,

in your next bio…


Start practicing the art of expert positioning with these NEWER more direct and effective questions.